Monday, June 11, 2012

Attention MDIN Shareholders

It brings me great pleasure to introduce myself as the new Chief Executive Officer of Northstar Global Business Services, Symbol, MDIN. I am very happy to have the opportunity to serve you all, and I am humbled by the responsibility I now have to breath new life into this withering entity. As you can see, we worked very hard to bring the company current with respect to its disclosure statements in order to bring it's OTC Market tier to current pink sheet status. This was not easy, but I feel it was necessary to start with a clean slate. Although, it is likely none of you have heard of me due to my staying away from public entities, I have had a long career in private industry, and I have the knowledge and experience necessary to revive MDIN to a respectable level once again. In my entire career starting and running [private] companies in various industries, MDIN has more potential then I have ever seen. Unfortunately, gambles taken by previous administrations didn't work out, and sent the company into a downward spiral. However, I vow to bring MDIN to its former greatness and profitability using a common sense, strategically thought out, long term growth approach.

For those of you who bought MDIN as a speculative purchase more recently, it's important to look at the company's history before we plan the future. As MedGen,Inc., this company thrived, selling respectable numbers of units of it's more successful products through powerful retail channels. The company Still owns these FDA Approved products as well as non-FDA approved products and the patents and copyrights that go with them. It was a combination of bad timing, poor planning, and a move into "Sexually oriented" products that lost the firm it's retail distribution and as a result, it's shelf space, ultimately reducing the revenue and driving the company to its current state.

A novel attempt by former CEO Raymond Barton, was to merge MDIN with his company in business brokering, taking a "Revenue first" approach to rebuilding. Mr. Barton's approach failed due to two factors. First was the unrealistic conversion arrangements the original management made with a Hedge fund called NIR, an entity now being forcefully liquidated because of criminal wrongdoing by it's founder. These conversion arrangements forced Mr. Barton's hand in diluting the equity unfairly, but after much research we see no further legitimacy in the claims of debt by NIR, and will not issue additional shares to them or a successor under any circumstances. The second factor that hurt the former CEO was economic distress directly effecting his industry. I know it is standard executive strategy to bash former management, but I have known Mr. Barton for many years and he is a brilliant entrepreneur who had a bad hand dealt to him. He is not to be blamed here, and given all the facts, I cannot say with confidence that most professional CEO's would not have done exactly the same thing. Mr. Barton's action did avoid the company from entering into bankruptcy or becoming a "shell" so he is the one who made it possible for us to be here today. For that I thank him.

My approach is simple. First, take inventory of the company assets and utilize the strategy that worked before, while avoiding the pitfalls of the past. My goal is to immediately revive "Goodnight's Sleep" and "Snorenz" so we can rebuild the massive retail channels available to us through my connections and the connections of some of my associates to get those products back on the shelves of retail stores where they belong. A tremendous online sales channel also exists, and we will take advantage of that as well. These products generated a massive amount of revenue for the company in the past and absent a few managerial mistakes that were made, they will do so again. Of course that is not enough. That's only a small step in our new journey, and our biggest leap will come in the production of a new line of products that utilize leading edge technology that extracts newly discovered, all natural compounds, which increase the body's production and floods the bloodstream with adult stem cells!

Yes, after almost thirteen years of research by my associates, and several years of research by independent laboratories, these compounds' effectiveness has been scientifically proven, and the results are nothing short of unbelievable. Imagine healing injuries one hundred times faster, replacing brain cells or regenerating liver cells 400 times faster, actually increasing intelligence, and even growing muscle at a rate of 1000 times faster than normal. Now, imagine these life changing properties being contained in over-the-counter products available in your local Walmart or CVS Drug Store. Lastly, Imagine our company name on the box.

In the coming months I will hopefully be announcing the re-release of our previously successful products, "Goodnight's Sleep" and "Snorenz", new supply and retail sales contracts, and ultimately the release of these new and exciting products, and their move into alternate medicine. It is my professional opinion, as well as the opinion of my associates that a revolution is about to take place whereas natural supplements and Over-the-counter medications using adult stem cell therapy to achieve amazing, proven results is available to every person on the planet.

Using this common sense approach of using existing company assets, to do what we know provides results, and then coupling those assets with new leading edge science, not only do I feel I can bring MDIN to it's previous success, but I believe that we can take MDIN to new heights never even imagined by any of us.

Now, I know you are all anxious. I know a lot of you have lost a lot of money in the equity of this company, and hard economic times have made you desperate to achieve a quick return. However, if we are to really create something of value, I have to ask for your patience and support in this journey. I will be as transparent as I can, and I will work around the clock until I succeed. That's the best I can offer in the way of a guarantee. A personal vow to do my best.

Thank you for reading this message, and God bless you all.

Nicholas Chieco Chief Executive Officer & Chairman Northstar Global Business Services, Inc.

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